
Find a remedy for over 100 common conditions & ailments

As a general rule, if a positive response has not been seen within 24-48 hours, please consult with your homeopathic practitioner or your General Practitioner.

An easy-to-use remedy finder, which will help to make treatment easier. Simply match the condition listed in the left-hand column with the remedy listed in the corresponding column. For some conditions, the remedy may be commonly used for a different indication, but will contain one or more ingredients that will be of use in the listed condition. Obviously common sense first aid measures should be taken in conjunction with the use of these remedies. Medical attention should be sought in emergency situations, keeping in mind that the remedies can be given whilst waiting for transportation to hospital.

Condition Remedy to choose Common sense measures
Abdominal cramps anti-spasm 200C
Acid reflux gastric plus 30C
Acne boils & abscesses 6C
Agitation or Anxiety calming 30C
Allergic respiratory swelling histamine comp 30C May be a medical emergency, seek medical assistance promptly.
Allergies e.g. shellfish, skin rash, sneezing histamine comp 30C If breathing is affected, seek medical assistance.
Animal transportation t.r.s 200C
Arthritis arthritis & gout 30C
Asthma attack bronchial relief 30C plus histamine comp 30C May be a medical emergency, seek medical assistance promptly.
Baby colic anti-spasm 200C
Birthing process injury 6C see also The Post-Natal 6C Remedy in the Maternity Labour Kit
Bites i.e. dog, scorpions, snakes, spider bites 30C and t.r.s 200C for shock. For serious bites, seek medical assistance immediately. Lay person down, reassure them. Flush the bite with Pegasus herbal antiseptic solution. Apply firm bandage. Keep very still.
Bladder infection cystitis 30C Drink plenty of fluids.
Bleeding injury 6C
Boils, abscesses boils & abscesses 6C
Bronchitis bronchial relief 30C plus anti-virabac 200C if infected If no improvements in 3-5 days, see a homeopath or doctor. If difficulty breathing, seek medical assistance.
Bronchospasm bronchial relief 30C, histamine comp 30C if allergic May be a medical emergency. Seek medical assistance promptly.
Bruises injury 6C
Burning urine cystitis 30C Drink plenty of fluids.
Burns Orally: to treat shock and pain dose with t.r.s 200C every 15 minutes. Give sting 30C every 15 minutes to relieve stinging sensation.

Topically: Cool area down first. Then dilute pegasus herbal antiseptic solution with cold water, 30 drops in half a cup of water. Bathe the affected area with this solution and then cover area with a clean cloth moistened with the same solution. Keep in place and saturated with the solution for as long as possible, even up to 24 hrs. Do not allow the cloth to dry and stick to the wound.

Cool area down to prevent further burning of tissue. Don’t smear greasy ointment on a burn. Never puncture blisters as they provide sterile covering for a burn.

NB: if a large area of the body is burned, get to medical help as soon as possible. Give t.r.s 200C or injury 6C every 15 minutes for shock. Maintain fluid intake if patient is conscious i.e. half a glass every 15 mins (preferably water with a quarter teaspoon salt)

Caesarian section – healing after injury 6C see also The Post-Natal 6C Remedy in the Maternity Labour Kit
Car sickness v.m.t 30C
Catarrh muco drainol 30C plus sinus 30C
Chest conditions e.g. coughs, tight chest, pneumonia bronchial relief 30C
Chicken pox histamine comp 30C to ease skin discomfort
Colds & flu cold & flu 30C
Coccyx injury injury 6C
Colic (babies) anti-spasm 200C
Concussion injury 6C Seek medical assistance
Constipation constipation 6C Acute only. For chronic constipation, consult a health practitioner or homeopath.
Coughs Dry, tight cough – give bronchial relief 30C

Wet cough – give muco drainol 30C

Cramps – stomach, legs, menstrual anti-spasm 200C
Croup bronchial relief 30C
Crush injury injury 6C
Cystitis cystitis 30C Drink plenty of fluids and take a Urinary Alkalaniser(e.g. Citro Soda)
Dehydration fluid imbalance 6C Replace fluids & electrolytes
Dental pain teething, pain & fever 30C
Dental surgery – healing injury 6C
Diarrhoea n.v.d 30C Replace fluids and electrolytes
Dizziness v.m.t 30C
Dog bite bites 30C Seek medical advice regarding tetanus injection and/or antibiotics.
Ears Blocked/pain – sinus 30C & muco drainol 30C.

Infection- add anti-virabac 200C

Emotional upset t.r.s 200C or calming 30C
Exams calming 30C
Eyes (infections, conjunctivitis) Take cold & flu 30C containing Allium cepa and Euphrasia for burning, red, watery eyes, pus in the eyes and conjunctivitis. Interim measure only. Seek medical assistance.
Eye injuries (including foreign object in eye) Seek medical assistance. As an interim measure – Take injury 6C containing Aconite, which relieves pain of eye injuries and reduces inflammation. Put 2-3 drops of the pegasus herbal antiseptic solution (contains Hypericum) into an eyebath of lukewarm water and flush out the eye. Seek medical assistance.
Flatulence gastric plus 30C
Fever teething, pain & fever 30C If necessary to control spiking fever, add fever-lowering drugs. Wipe down with wet cloth to encourage cooling. If severe fever does not respond, seek medical assistance.
Flu cold & flu 30C
Fluid retention fluid imbalance 6C
Food poisoning Gastric Plus 30C & anti-spasm 200C for abdominal cramps. Avoid dairy products and rich, fried foods. Replace fluids and electrolytes
‘Gastro’ as in gastroenteritis n.v.d 30C
Gout arthritis & gout 30C Acute treatment only. For long term treatment, consult a homeopath.
Grief t.r.s 200C
‘Hangover’ liver 30C
Hay fever hayfever 30C
Headache (tension, stress) headache 30C. (For specific migraine headache, use migraine 30C)
Heartburn gastric plus 30C
Heat exhaustion fluid imbalance 6C
Heat stroke fluid imbalance 6C
Hepatitis liver 30C
Hyperactivity calming 30C
Hysteria calming 30C Seek professional help.
Immune system boost immune defence 6C
Indigestion, bloating gastric plus 30C
Infections anti-virabac 200C
Influenza cold & flu 30C
Injuries (falls, bumps) injury 6C
Insect stings & bites sting 30C
Insomnia sleep 30C
Irritable bowel syndrome anti-spasm 200C plus gastric plus 30C
Itchy skin in animals histamine comp 30C
Jaundice liver 30C
Joint pain arthritis & gout 30C Acute treatment only. For long term treatment, consult a homeopath.
Leg ulcers boils & abscesses 6C plus anti-virabac 200C If long term treatment required, see a homeopath or health professional.
Liver ailments, acute liver 30C
Ménière’s syndrome v.m.t 30C
Menstrual cramps anti-spasm 200C
Migraine headache migraine 30C
Morning sickness v.m.t 30C
Motion sickness v.m.t 30C
Mucus (nose, chest, ears) muco drainol 30C
Muscle cramps anti-spasm 200C
Muscle tension with headache headache 30C
Muscle strain injury 6C
Nausea n.v.d 30C or if pregnant or travel sick, use v.m.t 30C
Overindulgence liver 30C & perhaps gastric plus 30C
Panic attacks calming 30C or if grief or traumatic element, t.r.s 200C If recurrent, consult a homeopath.
Pain teething, pain & fever 30C
Post-nasal drip sinus 30C
Post-operative healing injury 6C
Rash, skin histamine comp 30C
Restless legs anti-spasm 200C
Rheumatism arthritis & gout 30C Acute treatment only. For long term treatment, consult a homeopath.
Sciatic pain arthritis & gout 30C Acute treatment only. For long term treatment, consult a homeopath.
Scorpion bites bites 30C Seek medical assistance.
Sea sickness v.m.t 30C
Shingles injury 6C & histamine comp 30C Useful as adjunct therapy to conventional treatment.
Shock t.r.s 200C
Sinus headaches sinus 30C
Sinus pain or congestion sinus 30C and muco drainol 30C. Add histamine comp 30C if allergies present. For chronic sinusitis consider seeing a homeopath.
Skin rash histamine comp 30C
Sleeplessness sleep 30C
Snake bite bites 30C & t.r.s 200C Seek immediate medical assistance.
Sore throat throat 200C Seek professional medical help if severe pain prevents swallowing or there is difficulty breathing. Do the same if accompanied by a high fever or abscesses on the tonsils or if there is a history of rheumatic fever.
Spastic colon anti-spasm 200C plus gastric plus 30C
Spider bite sting 30C or if severe, take bites 30C Spider bites can easily become infected. Seek medical attention if bite turns black, with tissue damage.
Splinters boils & abscesses 6C
Sports injuries injury 6C
Sprains or strains injury 6C
Stings (insects) sting 30C
Stomach cramps anti-spasm 200C
Stomach flu or bug n.v.d 30C & anti-spasm 200C for cramps
Stressful situations eg speeches, tests calming 30C
Sunburn sting 30C As for burns above.
Sun stroke fluid imbalance 6C
Surgery – healing afterwards injury 6C
Swollen ankles e.g. from travel fluid imbalance 6C Lie down with feet raised.
Teething teething, pain & fever 30C.
Tension headache headache 30C
Throat throat 200C Seek professional medical help if severe pain prevents swallowing or there is difficulty breathing. Do the same if accompanied by a high fever or abscesses on the tonsils or if there is a history of rheumatic fever.
Thunderstorms (animal fear of) t.r.s 200C
Tight chest bronchial relief 30C Seek medical assistance if severe.
Toothache teething, pain & fever 30C
Transportation of animals t.r.s 200C
Trauma t.r.s 200C or injury 6C
Travel sickness v.m.t 30C
‘Tummy bug’ n.v.d 30C & anti-spasm 200C for cramps
Twisted ankle injury 6C
Urinary infection cystitis 30C Drink plenty of fluids.
Urticaria histamine comp 30C
Vertigo v.m.t 30C
Vomiting n.v.d 30C or if pregnant or travel sick, use v.m.t 30C Replace fluids & electrolytes
Wheezing chest bronchial relief 30C Seek medical assistance if severe.
Whiplash injury 6C
Whitlows boils & abscesses 6C
Whooping cough bronchial relief 30C
Wounds injury 6C plus dress with pegasus herbal antiseptic solution